How To Update App Store Login For Updates On Mac

Reason: This happens because the app was downloaded using another Apple ID and xcode is tied to that account. How to solve this? • Sign in into Mac App Store with “your current ID account” and check under Purchases menu, whether you have xcode.

  1. Apple App Store Login

• Also check in System Preferences » App Store » What ID shows below “Automatic download apps purchased.” • If xcode is present under your current ID Purchases (grayed out saying INSTALLED), feel free to erase the app from your HD. An install button must be shown after and you can download and update the app again. • If the above doesn't work, you can get rid of the greyed out Apple ID email by making following selection Applications » xcode (right click on Show Package Contents) » Contents » and delete the file inside “_MASReceipt” folder (do a backup before just in case). Xcode will still work, you must get rid of the grayed login name.This will work if xcode is already in your curent Apple ID.

I was having the same issue.This happens because the app was downloaded using another Apple ID and xcode is tied to that account. If you installs new app then there wont be any issue. Solution • Go to Applications -> xCode -> Click Show Packaged Content -> Content -> _MASReceipt -> Receipt. Delete this receipt file. Do not worry xcode will still work. • Now try to update xcode from app store. You will be able to get app store id login popup without grayed apple id.

Following the release of macOS High Sierra, Mac users have discovered that Apple is no longer listing previous operating system updates in a user's Purchased tab in the Mac App Store. When an update is available for any Mac app that has been installed through the Mac App Store, you will notice the App Store icon in OS X gets a numerical badge on it, indicating the number of software updates available. Additionally, you will notice the the App Store entry within the Apple menu will show an “Updates” note alongside it. In the case of updating to OS X 10.10.4, it appears to be some battle between the AppStore servers themselves and the AppStore app on your Mac. What we observe is the AppStore app showing a spinning beachball “forever”, even between force quitting and restoring the AppStore app. When you click on the “Update” buttons, nothing happens. The Updates menu populates with a history of all the apps and system software you've already updated in the last month. Any new updates will appear at the top. Click the Update button to being the download, or if there are numerous downloads, click the Update All button.

Still you might face some issues as I faced. I got this error.

How to update app store login for updates on macbookFor

Apple App Store Login

If you are also facing some issue then continue following 3,4 and 5 steps. • Go to application -> Move xCode to trash. • Go to trash -> Put Back xCode. • Go to app store and update the xCode. It worked for me:) Refer.